Happy October! If you've been following my newsletter and blog for a while I'm repeating myself a bit -- but this idea, like a slice of Auntie Mary's Texas Sheet Cake is good enough for seconds!!
First -- WOW - it's been quite a summer, what was meant to be a three week visit to Massachusetts turned into three months, and it's been simply spectacular, for too many reasons to count! My BIG THREE though are connecting with family, including new and old friends (we're all sisters and brothers in my world), sharing my books at school visits, markets, festivals, book shops, cafes, senior centers, and time spent in nature! This summer's adventures hit all three of those out of the park! In fact, I scored a whole lot more than the Red Sox this summer - unfortunately for Dad - an avid reader and Sox fan!
Though back to chocolate cake, the power of conversation and connection! So many moments played out with such grace, there was clear evidence of Divine guidance. I call it my TOA -- Team of Angels conspiring on our behalf! Even as I write this, sitting at my Aunt Sandy's in Maryland - I look up and see a book on her shelf MARY -- and yes - all in CAPS! My mom, Carole Sunday Stabile Duksta, was one of four girls, and her oldest sister, my Aunt Mary passed 11 years ago. Her birthday was September 23rd, but my Uncle Pat booked a memorial mass on the 30th. It turned out to be my mom and I's last day, after three months, and my sister Lynn was in town. Eight of us went to church and then to breakfast. Mom thankfully said - let's go around and share a MARY memory. We had stories from her husband, daughter, grandson, nieces, sister and son-in-law -- it's hard to share what a magical space this creates until you experience it. The stories you hear from the different perspectives are priceless! Her niece Patty thought she was a movie star -- as she was glamorous, as well as being a gourmet chef! Her grandson remembers sitting on Mimi's kitchen table, and realized with his college roommates, that they all must sit on the counters because of their grandmas. My cousin, forever Chrissy to me, even if most know her by Chris - told us her mom, my Aunt Mary, would sometimes whisper after they'd gone to bed, "Tomorrow will be a chocolate cake day!" That meant FAKE you are sick, once your sister and brother go to school, we are going shopping, out to lunch, and baking a cake or something sweet! I'd never heard that story, and what FUN! Though certainly the funniest was her son-in-law Charlie's story, he loves to make everyone pizza - homemade sauce and all the toppings! After he made pizza for Aunt Mary she told him, in her sincerest voice that we could all hear perefctly, "I am never going to make pizza again, because I want yours to be the best." LOL!! She really did want him to have that, and lord knows that if she made pizza it'd probably win some award! We all roared laughing, as it was so her!! So, as I've shared before - we do this at holidays, birthdays, graduation dinners - really it's such a soulful, real conversation starter. Who needs to wait for a special occassion - these conversations are awesome over a cup of coffee with friends, or a walk around the park. What a nice way to get to know people better and connect! Most of us hadn't heard each others favorite memories, and the cherry on top was the new memory of us all sharing memories! With the holidays approaching I hope you find an opportunity to spark the conversation of love in this special way!
Keep Shining!
PS...My cousin Charlie Benoit is an 11 (?) year Glioblastoma survivor/thriver! He has struggled with migraines, pain and more -- though he's in a space of feeling pretty dang awesome! TYG! Please watch this Living With the Odds trailer on YouTube -- it's a powerful movie that follows Charlie and one of his mentees Paul Bayne through their GBM experience. It was life-altering watching the movie with Charlie, Chrissy, mom and the producer Erich Meltvedt this summer. The movie isn't available streaming yet - but they do host showings to raise money for cancer awareness and research.
PPS...There are so many people struggling with health, addiction, loss, financial, natural disasters -- Florida, the Carolinas and everyone in Ian's path, the Ukraine +++ --- let's send out a BIG GROUP PRAYER / INTENTION of LOVE that we are all able to go and grow through these moments and come out brighter and more blessed from having experienced them -- individually and collectively!
PPPS....A Very Happy Birthday today, October 2nd, to my cousin Marijean -- who was very much missed this summer in MA! Send some Birthday LOVE & PRAYERS her way!

Laura's Love Note
Happy Fall Y'ALL
You Are Limitless Love
Now when you hear Y'ALL -- be reminded that YOU ARE LIMITLESS LOVE! Please feel free to download or screenshot and share — tag #lauraduksta #iloveyoumore #ilym and follow me on social! If we see your post we'll for sure repost it!
Let's Go For a Walk! There are countless benefits to getting outside and going for a walk! Nature is oh so good for our soul! It's also healthy to connect with our neighbors! I had an awesome time this summer walking Webb State Park in Weymouth. Is there a state park, greenway, or nature trail nearby? Throw on a pair of sneakers, or hiking boots, and head outside! Join a beach, coastal or park clean up. There are also great environmental programs offered by local organizations. Check out Healtheplanet.org. I'm a big fan of saying hello to our neighbors -- meeting them and their four legged friends! I met loads of awesome people and dogs, and you never know how a smile, hello, or conversation might brighten someones day! I'm headed back south and looking forward to seeing my Sunrise Sisters and Misters! I loved getting to know Patrick and his rescued Greyhound Lightning - I'm not sure who's going to miss who more!
I'll be back soon to the Florida markets - while you'll find me on A1A -- please let me know if there are other local markets you suggest! Who am I kidding -- I'm up for local and non-local!!
October 15 & 16 Las Olas Art Festival
October 22 Oceanside A1A & Las Olas Market (double check next week - I may have a conflict)
It's time to book them! Please visit my website for more info and reach out to Jaime to get the ball rolling! I'm happy to travel to YOU virtually, or in person, wherever you are in the world! Email Jaime Here