Basking in the GLOW of Love and Connection!
Let's start there! I feel like I could WRAP it up there too...though YOU know I always have a story! And I love everything about this one...
There are 587 Barnes and Nobles across the country, and I have met several of the lovely booksellers, though no connection has been more magical than my encounter with Mary Mandel. I've shared this story before so I'll keep it brief - it's part of my very own Christmas Story, and now there's an addition to the story - hence MORE LOVE! I was in New Jersey on tour with my newest book You Are a Gift to the World/ The World is a Gift to You, so the year was 2011. I was with my angel Donna's cousin Sara and her three daughters - my 4 Wise Women! I walked over to where I knew my books were shelved and Mary who I had yet to meet was kneeling reading a book. She looked up and asked how she could help me. I shared that I was an author and there to sign my books. 'Great!' she said, 'What books?' To which I responded..."the one in your hand!!!" She is one of I Love You More's biggest fans and wasn't there the day You Are a Gift to the World came in so she was reading it at the very moment I came into the store. AMAZING!! That's when the angels began signing HALLELUJAH! Well, I heard them ;-) Let me take a moment here to note that my Mom and Mary both share the same birthday December 2nd -- which is also Tyler's birthday week -- I wrote I Love You More for him (and YOU) 21 years ago -- he just turned 29 Friday December 9th!!! And my mom's oldest sister my Aunt Mary is also part of my TOA (Team of Angels).
Last Saturday this swirl of LOVE expanded... a woman went into the Livingston, NJ Barnes ad Nobel - YES out of 587 B&Ns she visited that store! She asked for four copies of I Love You More, the hard cover with a jacket. There was only one in the warehouse that Mary had access to -- the stores no longer stock this version. There's probably not another bookseller that would have known and suggested the woman go to my website. Joanne and I ended up emailing back and forth. She shared...
Every year I choose a special children's book for them (her children) at Christmas. Each time I search for one that I know will be meaningful. I write them a message in them which connects them to the meaning. Honestly, it is the gift I spend the most time selecting… finding the perfect book that speaks what is in my heart. I know they are absolutely treasured and I am sure they will one day share them with their children. Your book is beautiful…. “love you more” is our forever goodbye to one another. I am so blessed to have discovered it for this year..Your offer to sign them/write a special message makes this year even more special. I look forward to receiving them and sharing them with my family.
I wrote back and shared how I would sign them, her response...
Okay so now I’m in tears… it is perfect! And your mom must be amazing as she raised you! And yes they call me mom. Thank you so much Laura… honestly I was having an especially hard, tear filled day today and then I “met” you. Thank you for being my angel. May God bless you…
That my friends is the spirit of Christmas and of the HOLYday Season. It's the I Love You More story one that continues to spark and expand the conversation and awareness of LOVE in hearts, homes and classrooms around the world!
So....some of you may have noticed that this edition of Laura's Love Letters didn't post at 6:30 Sunday morning. I had a market all day Saturday 9AM-7PM, then opted to participate in some of the Winterfest Boat Parade festivities down at the dock, and had another market Sunday morning. Goddly enough...this same story which I had "finished" writing continued today (Sunday) when a woman showed up at the market in an awesome outfit I complimented, she looked at I Love You More and said...that woman is amazing (referring to the author of the book), to which I responded...I AM that woman! Turns out MARY MANDEL has been telling her about me for years, suggesting she bring me into the schools in Short Hills, NJ. WOWZA!!! God-bumps all over!
Keep Shining!
PS...Order your signed books and bracelets here on my website -- if you get your continental US based orders in by Wednesday 12/14 I'll get them shipped priority to reach you on time. Books can be shipped directly to loved ones with a note card and YOU included into the message I share making them extra special!
PPS....BIG NEWS ....the BIG HUGS book are back in stock. I'll be getting copies by Wednesday and can mail out ASAP if needed! The thing I love about the large book are the GIANT PEACH page with the ladybugs and the Armadillos going for a bike ride. Those spreads are missing in the padded board book and NOW they're back!! TYG! WOOT! WOOT!
PPPS....On January 21 I'll be speaking at the Indie Author Summit with self-publishing superstar Jay Miletsky - I may have a couple 40% off friends codes message me if you'd like one! There is a virtual option to attend too. I don't think the link is working -- send me an email and I'll share it with YOU and the code if I have one left!
PPPPS....Are YOU in Vegas or know someone with school age children? I'll be booking school programs Friday and/or Monday 1/20 and 1/23 -- I'm looking for suggestions/leads.
Make your own holiday ornament. Two family favorite traditions are making gingerbread houses, and when we were young my mom always helped us, and many others - classrooms, craft fairs, neighbors, etc, make Mouse Print Santa Decorations. They're a simple, cute and fun way to document the years.
* A red square and smaller white square of construction paper, glued together, with a hole punched and a green piece of yarn knotted
* Use a black ink pad and make a thumbprint in the center, a little below 1/2 way down in the center
* Add: 4 black feet, nose, whiskers, curly tail, red hat and green branches
* Name and year along the bottom, on the back to and from
PS..on the back of my print from 1979 it says 'Merry Christmas to Misty' -- that was our cat! More formally known as Mr. Misty
Know of a festival, market, camp, school or church I should visit, send me a message!
- Sunday 12/11, 12/18 & 1/1/23- Lauderdale-by-the-Sea Market at El Prado Park from 9-2
- Saturday Las Olas Oceanside Market Corner of A1A and las Olas Fort Lauderdale, FL I WILL SEE YOU HERE IN 2023
- January 7 & 8 -- Las Olas Art Festival 10-5 Far SE Corner of the Art Festival 2 dorrs east of Louie Bossi in front of Kensington Realty
- January 21st -- JOIN ME IN VEGAS - INDIE CHILDREN's AUTHOR SUMMIT -- Message me for details! $ 545 -- there is a virtual option too and I have a few discount codes